MEREA Consulting, LLC​​​ ​

       Maximizing Education and Research Endeavors Affordably

Goal Setting

An effective goal describes: a standard of performance; what positive behavior looks like; a measurable, time-bound objective; and the big target you want to hit. 

The SMART acronym should be used to assist in remembering the important components of an effective goal.

Specific -- The goal should identify a specific action or event that will take place.

Measurable -- The goal and its benefits should be quantifiable.

Achievable -- The goal should be attainable given available resources.

Realistic -- The goal should be challenging, while allowing the likelihood of success.

Time-bound -- The goal should state the time period in which it will be accomplished.

Writing an Effective Goal Statement - Rules for writing goal statements:

Use clear, specific language 
Start your goal statement with TO + a VERB
Write your goal statement using SMART Goal Criteria
Avoid using negative language.  Think positive!

An example of a goal statement:

To increase fluency by 20 words per minute as measured by the March administration of the AIMS Web R-CBM so that words will be recognized automatically.

Notice how the above example begins with the word “to”, includes the verb “increase”, and tells what (fluency), why (recognize words automatically), and when (March).

Use this worksheet to identify the specific SMART criteria you will use to write your goal statement.

What is your basic goal? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Is it specific?  (Who? What? Where? When? Why?)


2. Is it measurable? How will I measure progress?  (How many?  How much?)


3.  Is it achievable? (Can this really happen? Attainable with enough effort? What steps are involved?)


4.  Is it realistic? (What knowledge, skills, and abilities are necessary to reach this goal?)


5.  Is it time-bound? (Can I set fixed deadlines? What are the deadlines?)


My Goal Statement

Use the SMART worksheet you just completed and the rules above for writing a goal statement.  This should be a work related goal that you would like to achieve in 6 months or less. 

